Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Has it all got out of hand?

This clipping was found in one of the local tabloid gossip sections recently.

This is a better quality shot we snipped out of one of the recent glossy Women’s magazines.

Of course Miss Hilton being the trend setter she is has inspired those that need to be noticed to go to some rather extreme lengths as shown here.

But anybody who is within smelling distance of the streets will know miss Hilton and her cronies are way behind the pack.
As shown here graffiti and stencil work had been appearing in and on public places ranging from Hobart to John O Groats for some time now and had sparked quite a following.

It managed to penetrate into all layers of society.
We weren’t quite sure what the parish priest of St James was thinking when he commissioned this and the Arch Diose have demanded an explanation.

So get used to this sort to these thing happening around here as the wait for the release of The Game of Kings approaches.

We do think some people need to show some restraint though.